nixtamal for all since 2023.

Welcome to Streetlight Taco where the “molino” is the heartbeat of the kitchen as it grinds down heirloom Mexican corn by volcanic stones. Our fresh ground masa is used for hand-pressed tortillas and other hand-formed shapes found throughout Mexico.

At least 59 varieties of corn are native to Mexico. Through our partners, we bring several of these heirloom, family grown varieties to Tampa. Whole grain corn is simmered for specific time and temperature standards and soon becomes nixtamal. This ancient process of nixtamalization both adds and unlocks important minerals and nutrients in the corn.

We welcome friends, family and strangers alike to enjoy our fresh ground nixtamal creations.

Hitting the trail…

wherever it leads

Mexico: Its culture, food and people amaze from state to state, town to town. Smiling faces share food, knowledge and stories around each corner. We soak it in and enjoy the moment just as any opportunity that life provides.

Our menu is carefully planned from travels to the states of Mexico, Puebla, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Morelos & Tlaxcala. We diligently learn from experience, friends and family.

The hunt for new chiles, fruits, vegetables and preparations makes the path less traveled even more exciting. Sometimes you strike out again and again, but sticking with it validates the excitement in the end.

We are honored and excited to share Streetlight Taco with Tampa. We travel the biggest cities, busiest markets and dustiest country roads with the same conclusion every time… We love Mexico. No doubt about it.